
Canuck GI
The Peculiar Life of a Canadian Soldier
When I was 18, I looked like I was 13. I was socially immature, a late bloomer in body and mind and very much adamant that the time had come to move out of my parents home in Ontario Canada. So, I couldn't really fault the people who knew me well and believed that within a short period of time I would be sent home from military boot camp. Ah yes—boot camp! Joining the army had actually been my dad's idea. I never would have thought of it myself.
When I retired at the age of 38 I couldn't help but reflect on the twenty years I had spent in the employment of the Canadian Government and humorously wondered "What the hell was that about?"

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Crown Prince of Canada
with bonus story: TN'T (Terror in Toronto)

Life in Sooshee Garden's Trailer Park isn't all it's cracked up to be, but Texan Cooter Carlson III and his little woman Dixie Dawn Baker make it their home. Unfortunately, their life is soon turned upside down when author Harden Long's run away best seller The Orphaned Prince is turned into a Made for TV movie. Convinced the movie is a carbon copy script of his life, Cooter and Dixie Dawn head out on a road trip to find the author who wrote about Cooter's life and get what's coming to him, unaware what that really might be. Can Harden survive the love of Cooter and Dixie Dawn?

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The summer's cold wind blasted in Simon's face as he stepped out onto the front porch, turning to make sure the door was closed tight behind him. Heavy clouds of putrid yellow rippled across the sky, like the famed northern lights, which no longer appeared to delight and awe those lucky enough to see them. The wind, cold and foreboding, made the summers unpleasant. Simon's mother told him of summers she enjoyed camping and swimming at the lake. Simon shuddered. At minus 16 degrees, the thought of swimming in the lake seemed downright absurd. Of course before the deep freeze set in, anything was possible.

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Malinki the Medic
From child Prisoner of War to Old Age
One Man's Odyssey

Growing up in Prussia (East Germany) was a wonderful experience for a young boy born into a Prussian diplomats family. That all changed when World War II began and at the age of fourteen, Gerd Brandt was swept up into a Russian POW camp and barely stayed alive working as a camp medic. This story shows a glimpse of the other side of the war - from the eyes of a little boy taken as a War Criminal, his fight to survive, his life as a German Polizei after his return and eventual immigration to a life in Canada.

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