
I watched the movie by Michael Moore titled "Capitalism A Love Story" and before you groan and turn away you should take it upon yourself to watch it.

Many of the things Mr. Moore talked about in the movie were things that I personally had issues with for years.

I am not a person who likes it all one way or all the other. I always prided my country Canada for allowing capitalism to flourish in business but leaving the things that are imporant to Canadians under a socialist umbrella.

Country's that have one extreme or the other (all Communism where everything is owned and operated by the people - the government) or all Capitalism (where every service in the country is run as a corporation) hurts the people.

I have read that doctor's in communist countries are paid the same as someone sweeping floors because under the communist system everyone is equal. That's a load of bunk. Not everyone is equal. Someone who has committed years to going to school to become a doctor endures much more stress and is more accountable for his or her actions than someone who sweeps floors. I have no problem in getting compensated for your knowledge.

But in a capitalist system that same doctor is operating under a financial umbrella (either by their own accord or thrust upon them by their HMO's) which has left patients to go without or even die because they lacked the funds to pay to get well.

A well rounded country has taken the things that matter most to their people and have regulated and monitored them to prevent profits from impedding the will of the people, which is to live in harmony and live a long prosperous life.

I lived in the United States for two years and met some truly wonderful people; I even married one of them. I can honestly say that it was a bit of a cultural shock for me when I first arrvied and had to fight Worldcom and Verizon over their unregulated practices of trying to rip me off. I even had to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection section of the New York State government to stop them. I realized at that moment that this was a fight I didn't have to worry about back home because the government of Canada regulated what they could and couldn't charge. (It has begun to change to become more like the US - in Ontario at least.)

If government officials looked at what works best for their citizens almost all of these problems would go away.

To me a good mix of capitalism and socialism is important.
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